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1st Jul 2024
We Completed The 2024 LawNet Challenge!


This weekend, 7 brave members of the Sharmans team (Emma Corbett, Melany Rampal, Hayley Jackson, Hayley Robinson, Alivia Usher-Harris, Grace Okafor, and Ben Abubacker) took on the thrilling LawNet Ltd Challenge in the stunning Lake District.

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7th Jun 2024
2024 LawNet Ltd Challenge!


On Saturday 29th June 2024, as part of the 2024 LawNet Ltd Challenge, a team from Sharmans will be heading to the Lake District to battle some of the fells and peaks in the Borrowdale Region for FACES, Bedford.

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10th May 2024
March In May Challenge


To motivate our team of walkers heading to the Lake District this June for the 2024 LawNet Ltd Challenge, we have introduced our very own ‘March in May’ challenge.

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1st May 2024
Bedford MS Therapy Centre: Cheque Handover


On April 30th, we had the privilege of presenting our cheque for the Bedford MS Therapy Centre, our chosen charity for 2023!

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9th Apr 2024
Our Charity of the Year: FACES Bedford


We are pleased to announce that our charity of the year is FACES Bedford, a local charity working with families to build a better future.

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2nd Apr 2024
Congratulations to Ann on her Retirement!


Last week marked the end of an incredible chapter! After 17 years at Sharman Law, Ann is retiring.

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20th Mar 2024
Lorraine Mansell: 25 Years with Sharmans!


Today we are celebrating Lorraine Mansell, who has been with us for 25 years on Friday!

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8th Mar 2024
Happy International Women's Day!


Today, we want to show our appreciation for the brilliant women in our team. Thank you for your hard work!

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2nd Jan 2024
Wishing Christine Myers a long and happy retirement!


Since 1999, Christine has been an invaluable part of the Sharmans family, contributing her expertise and dedication to our team.

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15th Dec 2023
Meet Melany Rampal


Join us in welcoming Melany Rampal to our Private Client Department in Ampthill!

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