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eBriefs - Personal Planning

Standard Terms and Conditions for Small Businesses: What Should be Included?

Unsure about how to draft your terms and conditions or need help updating them? Get started on the right track with our latest article.

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Open your mind and secure the future

There is nothing certain except death and taxes, yet many people avoid later life planning. Making a will and appointing attorneys under a Lasting Power of Attorney are two ways of creating some certainty in future. With a steep rise in the number of LPAs submitted to the OPG for registration, it’s worth taking action sooner rather than later.

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Commercial Landlords: Understanding Your Responsibilities

As a commercial landlord, it can often feel like you're navigating a maze of obligations and responsibilities. From ensuring the safety of the premises to managing the terms of your lease agreements, it's a line of work that requires careful attention to detail. Knowing exactly what your buildings are being used for by tenants is an important part of this. In this guide, we delve into the key responsibilities that you must be aware of as a commercial landlord.

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The Court's Approach to Mediation

On 29th April 2024 the Family Procedure Rules were updated so as to bolster the requirement for mediation in family law disputes.

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Delays and knowledge gap hit hard for splitting couples

Divorce rates are on the decline according to the latest official statistics, with just over 80,000 completed in 2022, down by almost 30% from 113,505 in 2021, but delays in the family courts mean couples are waiting longer than ever to finalise the parting of their ways.

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