The King's Arms Project
We are pleased to have received a letter today from the King’s Arms Trust thanking us for our donation. Last year, Sharmans opted to donate money to the King’s Arms Trust rather than sending Christmas cards. Our clients and contacts might recall a notice of this featured in the footer of our emails/letters at the time.

King’s Arms Trust is a local charity that aims to make a difference to the lives of homeless and disadvantaged clients. Over the past year this included:
- Supporting over 650 homeless and disadvantaged clients
- Enabling over 250 clients to move into accommodation
- Enabling over 100 clients to access the King’s Arms Pathways to Employment Programme
- Enabling 19 clients to secure voluntary work or paid employment
- Supporting 28 refugees to resettle within Bedfordshire and helping 2 refugee clients to access University
- Providing over 2000 meals through their Friday Night Meeting Weekly Outreach Meal