Ampthill Chamber Quiz Night
A group of intrepid quizzers from Sharmans took part in the inaugural Ampthill Chamber Quiz night last week. The team comprising Sarah, Debbie, Helen Morris, Mel, Jonathan and Ann finished a respectable mid-ranking fifth place out of nine, but the questions were really hard.

However good levels of general knowledge were on show with Sarah impressing with her knowledge of 1990s pop – Jazzy Jeff springs to mind. Debbie impressed us all with her knowledge of the dartboard, and Helen did well with Greek Gods and her knowledge of fractions and arithmetic, so we can be confident that her completion statements are accurate! Mel showed good general knowledge though her ideas about the link between merino wool and rabbits are probably best forgotten. Jonathan, as expected, was our sporting hero, displaying excellent knowledge of players being transferred from Glasgow Rangers and Southampton as well as South African cricketers. Finally, Ann displayed excellent knowledge of Johnny Logan’s ‘What's Another Year’.
The evening was a great success, and raised money for the Chamber's chosen charity which supports young entrepreneurs, so we were delighted to be able to do our bit to help.